A way Lynxs could advertise their products without making it sexist
This link takes you to the Lynxs Apollo Fireman Ad, and this shows a bit of sexism in this advert towards women. This video shows a house on fire, a women who needs rescuing, and a fireman who saves the day. The women glares into the firemans eyes, until she catches eye with an astronaut, and she ditches the fireman for the astronaut. The slogan for this video is "Leave a man, Return a Hero".
The denotation to this video is the women falls for the braver men. First she fell for the fireman as he went through a lot just to save her, but then she saw the astronaut. The fireman is nothing compared to the astronaut, there is a big difference in bravery. This is why the women ditched the fireman for the astronaut.
At the end scene it says "and enter for your chance to go into space", The website explains that this is the opportunity for a few BRAVE MEN for the chance of a lifetime. This is sexist to women because, there are brave women out there who want to go out into space, because of the discrimination on the grounds of gender, Lynx had no choice but to let women enter in this competition. If it wasn't for the discrimination on the grounds of gender, Lynx would still be only letting men participate in this competition, which is a very sexist stereotype.
To make it less sexist they could have been brave and shown a female astronaut, with only the guy wearing their product standing a chance with her. It fits with their brand values, shows the effect of their product and challenges existing sexist stereotypes.
ReplyDeleteI like that you have analysed a Lynx advert that we have not looked at in class. This shows your wider research.
Why is an astronaut perceived to be more brave?
Is there a way for Lynx to not be sexist to either men or women through their advertising?
Can you create your own original ideal?